fRiDaY @ PoWeRhOuSe

Last night at PowerHouse was really great! It was a night full of drinking, dancing, laughing and even free shows on catfights to see leh. Apparantly, the place we were standing around was kinda like a table cum platform.

Four girls were dancing up there when suddenly 1 of the girl fell towards our side and spilled our drinks. She stood up, turned to confront the girl who stood behind her, accusing her of making her to fall. After like 5 mins of talking, the girl who fell got down but her friend named A went up to dance.

15 - 20 mins later, that Friend A fell too and towards our side again. This time the impact was bigger. Glasses dropped to the floor and drinks were spilled. Heng our bottle of liquor didn't dropped if not that bloody bitch sure also kerna from me.

Back to the story, Friend A stood up and confronted that same bitch who pushed her friend down just now. While the commotion was going on, the music was playing "What are you waiting for" by Gwen Stefani. The 2 girls were pushing and shouting at each other, but didn't fight lor. Me and Ah Ju started to sing:"Hey whatcha ya waiting, whatcha ya waiting, whatcha ya waiting for..." while we stood below and see the free show. Eh we beri bad but who cares dio boh?

Friends of those 2 girls came to get them down. The funny thing is the bouncers there don't seem to react as fast as Devilsbar bouncers. To cut the story short, after the 2 girls got down, one of the girls' friend went up and danced alone. I was like,"Oh my goodness! She still have the mood to dance instead of leaving the place with her friends..." All these people really spoil mood one lor. Enough of story-telling liao, below are the photos taken last night with my Casio Red. Enjoy!

Noelle darling came to fetch me to her house to prepare and doll up ourselves before we headed to Powerhouse. Our initial theme was Bling Bling cum Hip-Hop. The look was totally cool and I so love it =)

Both of us have the same digicam. Our beloved Casio Red =)

While we were waiting for Ju darling, we saw Clyde and we ended up partying together

After dancing for a while, me and Noelle darling started to zilian. We simply love taking photos!

Me trying to be cheeky here =P

Miko-chan kawaii desu ka?

Ju darling and Weil - Normal pose

Weil trying to be hip-hop like us too

Like us, Ju darling also love to take photos =)

Three pretty babes @ Powerhouse!

Saw Apple darling's Mr Ng there too. Knowing he love to take photos too, we decided to get him into our photo-whoring session

Miko, the Girl who love Hip-Hop

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 11:58 PM on Saturday, January 27, 2007