mY fLoWeRpOd bAbEs

Organised a super belated gathering with the pretty babes I knew from a pink beauty forum called FlowerPod 3-4 years ago. It's really not easy to choose a date to meet up because everybody is busy with their jobs. So after much discussions, the date was set on yesterday. Although only a few turned up, but we still had lots of fun last night. We were practically sharing whatever latest news we have of other podders (A special term for Flowerpod forum members) to topics of who's getting married, who's married, nasty brainless customers and much more. It was really really nice to see them again last night. We were saying maybe the next time we meet up, we will have our kids running around liao. I am really so glad they are all doing well now. Am so looking forward to meeting them again =)

Caroline aka Envy, Elaine aka Sugarsweet, Me aka Miko & Karen aka Crescent

Lyana aka Queen, Caroline aka Envy, Karen aka Crescent and lastly Elaine aka Sugarsweet

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 11:26 PM on Tuesday, January 30, 2007