a GrEaT LuNcH

With the GM and directors away for business trip, the office only left myself, my manager and my executive. Somehow when the big bosses were not around, it's more relaxing and stress-free working today. Having done with all the big meetings for the past few months, we finally can relac relac a while liao. So since the office only left the 3 of us, we decided to go for lunch together. With good mood plus the good weather, we decided to indulge a bit today. We went to Phoenix Hotel for buffet lunch. We worked so hard for the past few months and this is just a little treat to reward our hard work mah. So off we go in a chirpy mood. It was a nice and enjoyable lunch. Below are some of the photos I took with my handphone during the lunch. Enjoy~

Started with a bowl of mee siam.

My 1st helping... Got prata with mutton curry, sausages, fish, chicken and beef. Yummy!

My 2nd helping... Got prata with chicken curry, sausages and fish again. Buffet leh.. Of course must eat more of those nice food lah~

Some pastries I took... Eh, too full to have some more lor~

My manager happily enjoying the food

My executive thinking what's next to eat while she was enjoying her little bowl of porridge

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 10:05 PM on Wednesday, September 14, 2005