Vintage (:
fRiEnDsHiP = AtTeNdAnCe?
"Now I think is only DB4 plus 1/2 plus 1/2 already...." (Extracted from Apple's blog)
One of the 1/2 is me, myself and I. Having absent myself for several gatherings with the Devils Bitches, I am now known as 1/2 of the member. Another 1/2 is Esther darling. Esther darling, you have accompany le. Both of us adds up to 1 =).
Of course I enjoyed hanging out with them. We share joys, laughters, sorrows and tears. That's how we build up our friendship. All of us hold different jobs, have different personalities, think differently and possess different styles. But when we come together, we talked of everything we could think of. Strange isn't it? I do treasure this friendship I have with these darlings but it doesn't mean I love them lesser just because I couldnt make it for any of the gatherings. It applies the same to some of them when they couldn't make it for the gatherings at times. Having gone through so much together, I believe our strong bonds could withstand anything. Every Thursday is still our Devils Bitches gathering. It's still the day we meet up for dinner, gossips, jokes, serious talks etc. It doesn't matter how many of us turn up. What matters most is those who turn up had fun.
I am recuperating well and will be looking forward to meeting you girls this Thursday. Muacks!
Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 11:12 AM on Monday, August 29, 2005