mY fUn bUt TiRiNg WeEkEnD

Ji tired yi sia wor~~~ Well, me and my dear dear had a fun but tired time at Sentosa during the weekend. Eh, but weather not so good lor. Not much sun for me to do my suntanning. Boring~ But nevertheless, it's a little break for both of us.

Didn't meet the Devils bitches on Friday as planned because something cropped up at the last minute. So with no other plans, I went to meet my dear dear and his colleagues for dinner at Suntec City. Went to Comex 2005 to see any good deals after the dinner. A lot of people lor. Below are the photos taken for the last few days. Today is Monday and being a lazy woman, just enjoy the photos for today ba.

Me on the way to Suntec City for dinner on Fri

My tired dear dear

Seafood platter for dear dear

Fish & chips for myself. Big serving wor

Max and his swordfish

Dennis & Alicia

Me and my dear dear

Woke up early on Saturday morning to prepare the things for our Sentosa getaway. Our room was not ready yet when we checked in at about 3.30pm. Boring~

Me having a welcome drink at the hotel's lounge while waiting for our room

Nice weather

Kerna caught playing games

Our room

Both my dear dear and I took a rest after exploring the room. Nothing much. Just the usual hotel room lor. Not wanting to have our dinner at the boring little island and my dear dear craving for steamboat, he called Dennis and we decided to go for steamboat at Marina South. Before we headed for dinner, me and my dear dear took a stroll at Siloso Beach.

Yeah! Going to the beach

My dear dear playing with the water lor~

No sun to suntan but still enjoy myself

Finally reached Marina South and found a seat for all four of us. The standard at the Zheng Fa steamboat dropped wor. They served minced beef now instead of sliced one lor. Super boring~

Dear dear so hungry wor

Nice Dennis cooked prawns for us

Butter prawns... Oiishi nehz!

Dennis and Alicia

Satisfied me and my dear dear after the hearty dinner

The guys decided to have a few games of pool while me and Alicia stood aside and be their photographers.

Woke up the next morning and went for breakfast at the hotel's cafe. Variety of the food still alright. Didn't really eat much though.

My breakfast

My dear dear's breakfast

He's bored with me diam diam take picture of him =p

i love yogurt! (Pardon my no make-up face. Damn ugly lor)

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 9:30 AM on Monday, September 05, 2005