fAiThFuL SuPpOrTeRs

Last night was a special night. It's Apple darling's special night. She was one of the contestants for the Wheels Asia Magazine Race Queen Contest. Last night's event was for the selection of the contestants for the final round. I am very sure Apple darling will get into the finals de. *smile* Before going down to Siam Supper Club at Mohd Sultan for the event, me and my dear dear went for dinner first at Sakae Sushi. Both of us eat until very full sial. Dennis aka Uncle Poon and Alicia came down to join us for dinner too. After the hearty meal, me and my dear dear went down to Siam Supper Club to look for Apple. Had several drinks as it's free-flow from 8pm to 10pm. After the event, we (me, dear dear, Apple, Ju, Marilyn, Edmund and friends) went down to Devilsbar. Still early mah, so go Devilsbar continue our party lor. We all had some more drinks and lots of dancing. Shiok man! I left Devilsbar at about 1am and went for a movie at Cineleisure with my dear dear. Both of us were a bit high le but die die wanna catch a movie - War of the Worlds. Eh, the movie quite disappointing lor. If you don't wanna waste money hor, can buy DVD and watch. While waiting for our show to start in one hour's time, me and my dear dear decided to have several games of pool to kill time. Imagine both of us a bit tipsy, we still managed to clear about 3 games of pool. Buay pai hor. After watching the disappointing movie, both of us went back home. It was 5.30am when I hit the pillow to sleep. Damn tired wor. Below are some of the photos taken last night. Enjoy and have a great Sunday!

California roll & Tofu

Dear dear's Unagi set

Chicken katsu don for me

Me and my dear dear at Siam Supper Club to support Apple darling

Noelle and her hubby were there too

Ju and Noelle

Wheels Asia Magazine Race Queen Contest Contestant No. 3 Miss Apple Lim

Me and Apple darling

Pretty ladies for the night

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 4:28 PM on Sunday, July 03, 2005