Vintage (:
iTs MY bLoG
I do not know how many times I have said this and I simply don't understand why some people just don't seem to get it. I would like to apologise that this post gonna be a boring one. So if you are not interested, you can leave MY blog right now. Thank you.
I would like to emphasize this is MY blog. It's up to me what I wanna put in MY blog. I can post whatever photos I like and post whatever things I wanna say. Reason being because it's MY blog. Simple as that. Easy to understand right? So if you think that what you see and read turns you off, you can discontinue checking out MY blog. If you think your remarks bothers me, please use your brains (unless you doesn't have one) and think again. Before you wanna comment on others, please take a good look at yourself in the mirror first. What goes around comes around.
I love MY family, MY boyfriend and MY friends. Since this is MY blog, it's not surprising that they are mentioned or featured in MY blog every now and then. If you are not interested and just wanna be a nuisance, kindly refrain of checking out MY blog. Would appreciate very much on your cooperation. *Smile sweetly*
Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 11:36 AM on Tuesday, June 28, 2005