iTs nOt jUsT a bLoG

I have been visiting all my friends' blogs ever since I started blogging to find out what's their latest happenings and keep myself updated. You might meet your friends like once or twice a week but there are things which you only get to know when you read their blog. So when the Devils bitches meet up and started talking about our recent happenings, if anyone do not know what we were talking about, we will say :"Orh~~ Didn't read our blog hor? No wonder you dunno sial." It has since become a daily routine to read everyone's blog (Provided they got update lah) to keep ourselves updated. But have you all ever thought what will happen if your precious~~~~ blog is gone one day? Everything will be gone. You will not be able to retrieve it back and read it when you are free. Maybe to some people, its just a place to jot down your daily life. But there are those who penned down their personal thoughts, those sweet moments and memories they once have. Apple once told me she wanted to bring every single post in her blog just in case its gone one day. She even thought of buying files and archive them by months. Some might be it;s ridiculous. But I don't think so. It takes time and effort to update every single post and every single photos. It consists of all the memories you have with your loved ones. Someday, you might just wanna read back all those things you have done in the past, the places you have gone, the things you have tried, the happy and unhappy times of your life. Don't talk about the blog closing down or disappearing. Sometimes when you finished typing your post and uploading the photos, but somehow or rather it just won't published due to an error or you accidentally deleted it, you would have felt very lost and helpless. Because even if you gonna do it the second time, you won't be able to remember what you have typed just now. Ji bei ai right? Ok lah, I don't lor soh liao. Tofay is Friday and the devils bitches will be heading down to Devilsbar for Esther's birthday celebration. It's been weeks since we stepped into Devilsbar and all of us were looking forward in having a great time partying tonight. Friday rocks!

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 9:00 AM on Friday, June 17, 2005