Vintage (:
LeAd a SmOkE-FrEe LiFe
For all the smokers out there, have you ever ask yourself whether you will quit smoking for the one you love? It is an easy question but I am sure it's difficult to make that decision.
Well, I used to be a smoker. I started smoking during my secondary school days. When you were young, you think smoking is cool. I still remembered I got punished severely by my parents when they found out I took up smoking. The punishment was one I will not forget as long as I live. My dad asked me to kneel in front of the ancestral table and finish 12 sticks of cigarettes in 10 mins. I tell you its not easy. The feeling was terrible. But being a rebellious kid, I didn't learnt my lesson. I continued this habit till recently when I met this special someone. He is not a smoker. I love him and we got together. For him, I gave up smoking. Why such a sacrifice you all might asked. It's because I love him. And its worth giving up something for the one you love. It's not easy during the process of quitting but I persevere. I know its worth kicking the habit for him. Because I love him.
So if you have such request from the one you love, will you quit for him/her? Leave a tag in my tagboard for your personal opinions.
Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 12:14 PM on Thursday, June 09, 2005