mY CeLebRiTy LoOkaLiKeS CoLLaGe
Poor me is recuperating at home now to nurse my flu. As it's the season for dumplings now, my lovely mummy will buy the necessary ingredients to make dumplings. Blame it on my mummy's superb cooking which made the tastiest and yummiest home-made dumplings, I have turned into Greedy-Me. I had bazhang for breakfast and dinner for like two consecutive days. In total I think I took about 7-8 bazhang in just 2 days which resulted in me getting unwell now lor =P But I don't care even if bazhang is gonna make me fat or unwell because I only get to eat the home-made dumplings my mummy made once a year. She just bought some more ingredients to make more bazhang. Heez... More bazhangs for me!
Came across this when I was surfing the net and decided to give it a try. It's pretty fun and interesting. Try using different photos to see which celebrities appear more than once ;) Have fun!

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Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 12:08 PM on Wednesday, June 20, 2007