BiRtHdAy WiTh mY FaMiLy

Dinner last night with my family was great. All of us were so full till we almost couldn't walk sial. But it's really nice to have such dinner once in a while with everybody sitting together and have meals together. I have also uploaded the photos of the birthday cake my dear prince had it delivered to my office yesterday. The cake is so special and nice leh. My colleagues who saw the cake all couldn't bear to eat it. Heez... Lastly, I would like to thank those who sent me birthday wishes via smses and through the tagboard.

See the dishes we ordered for dinner last night. Shiok!

This is not those dummy decorations you see in restaurants. This is a real birthday cake =)

Got chopsticks and spoon too =D

Thanks lots my dear prince for this special birthday cake. Muacks!

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Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 11:25 PM on Thursday, May 03, 2007