
Went The Cathay with my dear dear on Saturday to catch the Silent Hill movie. Well, for gamers out there will know the movie is depicted from a PS game. Having seen my dear dear played the game before, it makes me pretty familiar with it too. It's quite scary even by watching him play the game lor.

The movie itself really not bad but spoilt by two malay girls sitting beside me. Bloody irritating. Started talking even before the movie started. And when it came to those horror scenes, they quickly used their jackets to cover their eyes. If they wanna watch the movie, then shut their mouth up and keep quiet lah. Even not interested also don't disturb the others mah. If scared to watch such movies then don't watch lah. Wanna watch then still scared. Freaking pissed me off when I met with such inconsiderate people. Ok lah. I better stop my complaining here. It's Monday again and its gonna be a very blue day for me.

Me and my dear dear at The Cathay. We were waiting to watch Silent Hill

Brought my dear dear to a French restaurant called Savoir for dinner after the movie. I ordered Salmon for myself.

My dear dear ordered Beef for himself.

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 8:50 AM on Monday, June 12, 2006