mY wEeKeNdS DuRiNg wOrLd cUp

Ever since the World Cup started, I felt that my weekends are different. You know why? Because alot of people are heading down to the pubs and clubs to see the World Cup matches while sipping ice cold beer. So shiok isn't it? As for me, I am not a soccer person. As in I seldom watch soccer matches de. But when it comes to World Cup, it's a totally different thing.

Anyway, me being too lazy to elaborate further, just quickly update what I have been doing during the weekends ba. Met up with my ex-boss from my previous company for dinner and chit-chats. It was really nice meeting up with her. After a nice dinner and seeing the time still early, Noelle came to meet me and both of us headed down to Club Momo for a drink first. After drinking to about 50% high, both of us went down to Devilsbar to meet our beloved kaki, Tommy. He very kelian leh. Drinking alone while waiting for us. Apple, Juliana, Simon, Mickey Mouse aka Clarence also joined us shortly. It was really fun that night which also resulted to excessive drinking and mixing of alcohol. One word to describe : Gone. Zitao hangover for the whole of Saturday. Wonderful isn't it? Slept the whole of Saturday with a never-say-die headache. Urgh!

Luckily, the hangover subsided on Sunday. Being Fathers'Day yesterday, dear dear brought his parents out for lunch. His sister suggested going to Coffee Club. So off we went to Marina Square.

My dear dear, a big fan of Japan

Me enjoying the food at Coffee Club

Lastly, the famous mud pie for dessert. Yummy!

After the lunch, we went to watch X-Men. Movie not too bad. For those we have watched it, I hope you guys didn't miss out the last part. Keke. After the movie, dear dear met up with his colleagues for dinner and adjourned to a KTV pub to watch Japan VS Croatia match before heading back home. My dear dear being a big fan of Japan, went back home in disappointment. The second time.

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 10:20 PM on Monday, June 19, 2006