HaPpY BiRtHdAy tO yOu, DeAr dEaR
It's my dear dear's birthday and today's post will be dedicated to him. Though today is his birthday, but he got to work and attend classes till 10pm. Not only that, he got to finish up the assignment and hand it in by today. It was supposed to be a group assignment but it turned out my dear dear is doing most of the work. 6 people doing the assignments, each person do a bit mah. That's why finding group members is very important. Imagine a few of your group members didn't contribute anything for the assignment but still get the same good marks as those who have contributed. It's damn unfair. Hope my dear dear will get good grades for the hard work he put in for the assignments. My post for today gonna be a short one because the photos taken on weekends are with my dear dear. Those were photos taken when I went KBox and dinner with my dear dear and his colleagues on Saturday and our 1-day JB/Pengarang trip yesterday. Do check them out tomorrow. Before I end my post, I would like to wish my dear dear a Happy Birthday. May everything goes on smoothly for him and be healthy always. Just wanna let him know that his birthday this year is different from previous years because he have me with him now. Muacks!
Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 3:42 PM on Monday, April 11, 2005