KtV-iNg @ pArTy wOrLd

Met up with Noelle last week for a session of ktv-ing as it's been quite some time since we last went. It was fun though it's only two of us. We ate, drank, sang and get merry =) That's how life suppose to be, isn't it?

My exams will start in 1 month's time. Got to start mugging again. Started to feel abit stress but as long as I start my revision early, I should be able to make it de. This time round, I am so gonna make a trip down to the supermarkets to get my rations of tidbits to standby first. Sweeeeeeeeeet!

Our sinful dinner that night

Noelle enjoyed the ktv session

We love ktv-ing!

A happy owner of Geraldine & Co. =)

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Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 11:38 AM on Tuesday, July 03, 2007