mY fRiDaY WiTh eX-CoLLeAgUeS & fRiEnDs

I spent my Friday night drinking and having fun again. I met up with my ex-colleagues and we went for dinner cum drinking sessions. It's nice meeting up with them and catching up on old times. They even updated me on some new juicy topics that happened recently. Keke.. After my drinking sessions with my ex-colleagues, I went down to Devilsbar for 2nd round of drinking. When I reached there, I found out I will be alone. For at least an hour. So after sending a few smses to alert my kakis I have reached, I went to find a place and ordered myself a drink while waiting for them. At the same time, observing the people and crowd at Devilsbar. Boring~ Weird people everywhere. I saw some women dressed in those seventies dress with big thick belts and high heels dancing. I saw a man with boobs dressed up like a woman and was pole-dancing. Lastly, I saw another woman wearing her pyjamas lookalike pants and was dancing furiously as if she just woke up from a nightmare. For a moment, I was thinking to myself whether I was at the wrong place. Anyway, Clyde was the first to reach and kept me accompany for awhile. Shortly, Tommy reached too. Really nice of him to come down even though his back pain started acting up again. As usual, we all drank and had fun throughout the night.

Clyde is the first to reach.

Ali being cheeky whenever it comes to taking photos -_-

Long time no see Marilyn darling le

Me and Ju darling

3 of us started to zilian

Lollipops for us from a very nice bartender

We love lollipops!

The bartender on the left offered to take photo for us but took a pic of themselves first lor. The bartender on the right was the one who gave us lollipops de.

Ju & Marilyn up at the bartop dancing to our new favourite song, All About Us by T.A.T.U

Apple joined us later after her work

3 pretty ladies with lovely permed hair and the photographer(which is me) with short straight hair taking this photo for them *poor me...sobs*

Eh actually was taking pic for Apple and Marilyn's photo but 2 extra people joined in at the background -_-'''

In the end, let the four of them act cute in front of the camera for once.

Lastly,my tragus piercing. I so love it!

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 3:47 AM on Sunday, June 25, 2006