No ChOiCe LeH

I am back~~ Pai sey ah.. Not I don't wanna update my blog. I don't have any photos with me. Just got some photos from Darling Ju which we took when we met up last Thursday for our weekly gathering. As usual, we had great fun together. Kekeke... I am now typing this post at the comfort of my dear dear's house. My dear dear is in office right now while I am waiting patiently for him to come back and bring me out for dinner. Envy boh? I took a day's off to relac today. Shiok wor... Tomorrow is Singapore's National Day. It is Singapore's 40th birthday. Well, not much plans though. I think most probably will be staying at home and watch the parade. Hmmm... ok lah. I shall stop my update here. Gonna continue watching tv liao. Enjoy the photos ba. Ciao!

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 12:50 PM on Monday, August 08, 2005