20 Questions to a Better Relationship
It's finally Wednesday! Well, I am happy not because its ladies night hor. Happy because the long weekend is just 2 days away. For those people who don't take note of the holidays on the calendar, please be informed that Monday is a replacement holiday as Vesak Day falls on this Sunday. Our dearest Apple darling only realised it until we told her on Monday. Heng she know le if not I think she will go to work as per normal. Keke...
Though it's ladies night at Devilsbar tonight but I won't be gng lor. It's my dearest Mummy's birthday today. I think my Daddy will be bringing the whole family out for dinner tonight. So me gonna be a guai daughter today and keep my family accompany. Happy Birthday Mummy!!!
Well, below is another link I wanna share with everyone today. Do take some time to do the test and find out for yourself what kind of a lover are you. Enjoy~
~Click to take the relationship test~
The results I got for myself -_-'''' 1950s Parent... ji depressing lor
eXpressive: 5/10
Practical: 6/10
Physical: 5/10
Giver: 6/10
You are a RPYG--Reserved Practical Physical Giver. This makes you a 1950s Parent.
You are relentlessly patient, loving, generous and devoted. You are unflappable. If on some rare occasion you do raise your voice or say a swear word in anger, anyone around to hear it will remember it (and think it was funny). At the same time, you're very cute and charming, and even if you don't catch someone's eye at the beginning of the night you'll surely have their attention by the end.
Your calm, conservative nature conceals a passionate (and sexy!) heart.
You can have trouble bringing up problems, but your approach to conflict is calm and even-handed. The problem can be is that you are so busy worrying about your partner's satisfaction that you don't ensure your own. This can build up over time and make you restless. Despite your sexual nature, you are more likely to cheat emotionally than physically.
You tend to work out your frustrations in the bedroom. Depending on your partner, this can be an excellent strategy. You would be a great candidate to balance out an XSYT, but not a good match for an unappreciative RPYT.
You have an odd, ritualized vice that doesn't suit the rest of your persona -- like smoking a certain brand of cigarettes or drinking a certain kind of wine.
Of the 226450 people who have taken this quiz, 4.8 % are this type.
XY Sexy
IT In control/can be controlling
XG Good parent
RG Good-natured
XP Good at resolving conflict
RT Trouble communicating
XSI Honest to a fault
SG People-pleaser
Relationship keys
Click on the following to read the respective results for the relationship test.
XPYG - Roving Spouse
XPYT - Player
XPIG - Catch
XPIT - Manager
XSYG - Sex Bomb
XSYT - Firebrand
XSIG - Teddy Bear
XSIT - Hellcat
RPYT - Stoic
RPIG - Rock of Gibraltar
RPI - Love Geek
RSYG - Nice Guy/Nice Girl
RSYT - Brute
RSIG - People-Pleaser
RSIT - Archetypal Oldest Child
Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 12:30 PM on Wednesday, May 18, 2005