aLL GirLs' gAtHeRiNg PhOtOS

Here comes the many nice photos taken on Friday when I met up with the girls. After our dinner, we went to Devilsbar to continue to have more fun. Well, all of us enjoyed ourselves that night. It's great to see the girls again. As for those who couldn't turn up for the gathering for some reasons, its just too bad that you all missed the fun. Friday's gathering was indeed a very fruitful one. We chatted and shared a lot among ourselves. We pieced every little details together and found truths. All I can say is when it comes to friends, always be sincere and truthful. If you gonna be a stupid bitch who fake around, please stay away. Before I end, I wanna let the pretty darlings who turned up for the gathering on Friday know that I love them and treasure their friendship. Friends Forever!!!

Ladies power!

Me and Marilyn dear

Me and Chococat dear

Me and Joelyn dear

Me and dearest friend Apple

Me and Jac dear

Me and Tommy dear

Pretty ladies at Devilsbar

More pretty ladies

Tommy, Apple & Clyde having fun dancing at the bartop

My three darlings enjoying themselves too

Mr Kevin aka Gay man joined us at Devilsbar later in the night

These two bartenders(Ah Bao & Imran) also strike a pose for a photo taken.

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 2:24 PM on Sunday, April 24, 2005