a Not-sO-bLuE mOnDaY

Why a not-so-blue Monday for me? It's because I have more than enough sleep and rest during the weekends. Well, though I am not feeling blue but I am feeling kinda lazy. I feel like going to the beach, lie down on the sand and get a nice tan under the sun. Pure relaxation... Heavenly...

To stop the laziness in me from accumulating, I got to find something to do to keep myself busy. After some analyzing, I realised I have lots to do (but too lazy to be bothered with it). The clothes, lingerie, shoes and bags I bought from Bangkok have yet to be sorted out and my table is in a total mess with all my cosmetics.

To avoid my dearest Daddy from nagging at me(or to my Mummy) for the untidiness of my bedroom, I better start packing and tidy up. After that, the next important thing to do is to start my exercise regime. The weather these few days is pretty good for swimming and suntanning. *wink* Don't forget Miko love the sun =)

Before I end my post, below are some of the photos taken during my photo shoot at Sentosa before Chinese New Year. I just collected the photos from my photographer yesterday. Enjoy~

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 10:18 AM on Monday, March 07, 2005